Politique Qualité et Environnement

Notre Vision...

…repose sur nos valeurs fondamentales et nos convictions:

  • Nous croyons au développement de tous les employés qui montrent le même désir de grandir et de se développer
  • Nous croyons en la récompense du travail acharné, de la loyauté et de la grande performance
  • Nous apprécions la croissance de l’entreprise comme un moyen d’offrir à tous les employés une chance de croissance personnelle
  • Nous pensons que chaque client doit être traité équitablement et avec le même niveau de service, quelle que soit sa taille ou son importance
  • Nous croyons que si nous pouvons dépasser les attentes de nos clients, l’entreprise grandira et prospérera naturellement
  • Nous apprécions les commentaires et les avis des clients; ils sont notre mesure d’avoir des «clients satisfaits»
  • Nous croyons que nous ne pouvons concrétiser notre vision que si nous avons la base solide d’une excellente gestion de trésorerie
  • Nous transpirons les petites choses – le diable est dans les détails. Nous apprécions d’obtenir les bons détails du premier coup
  • Nous croyons que chacun prend la responsabilité de s’efforcer continuellement d’être le meilleur possible
  • Nous croyons que chaque planche compte – le test « Est-ce que je voudrais cette planche dans mon jardin »
  • Nous apprécions les avantages de nos produits en matière de sécurité et la manière dont ils contribuent à éviter les accidents et à protéger les personnes

Our Vision ...

… is based on our core values and beliefs:

  • We believe in developing all employees who show the same desire to grow and develop themselves

  • We believe in rewarding hard work, loyalty, and great performance

  • We value company growth as a way to offer all employees a chance for personal growth

  • We believe every customer should be treated fairly and with the same level of service, irrespective of size or importance

  • We believe if we can exceed our customers’ expectations, the company will naturally grow and prosper

  • We value customer feedback and reviews; they are our measure of having ‘Happy Customers’

  • We believe we can only deliver our vision if we have the strong foundation of excellent cash management

  • We sweat the small stuff – the devil is in the detail. We value getting the details right first time

  • We believe in everyone taking responsibility to continually strive to be the best they possibly can

  • We believe every board matters – the “would I want that board in my garden” test

  • We value the safety benefits of our products and how they help save accidents and protect people

Our Purpose ...

… is driven by our core values and beliefs:

  • To supply decking and cladding products that enhance outdoor living in a sustainable and safe way, whilst providing brilliant service that is always friendly, helpful and honest

Our Mission ...

That within ten years we will become a worldwide group of companies synonymous with quality, service and innovation, with sales of more than £20million.

To help ensure we achieve our mission and realise our vision we will:

  • Consistently meet the quality requirements of our customers; every board is important to us.

  • Understand that great service and timely deliveries are as important to our customers as quality of product.

  • Work continually to improve everything we do so that our products and deliveries meet or exceed the expectations of our clients and other interested stakeholders, striving for industry-leading levels of customer satisfaction.

  • Create a working environment where every employee is fully committed to delivering the highest standards of product quality and service by ensuring they have the skills and confidence to perform their tasks, safely and competently.

  • Use ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as the foundation to improve our business decision making processes and support our culture of continual improvement.

  • Comply with applicable health, safety and environmental legislation and other applicable requirements.

  • Commit to protection of the environment, prevention of pollution and work to continually improve our environmental performance.

  • Source our timber from sustainable resources and maintain accreditation to FSC and PEFC.

  • Set, communicate and monitor objectives intended to improve quality and environmental performance.

  • Be open about our environmental activities and, where appropriate, provide information to stakeholders regarding quality and environmental matters.

  • Identify and manage risks associated with our business activities, client satisfaction and the environment and ensure these risks are considered whenever there are changes to business activities, client and regulatory requirements.

  • Review this policy on a regular basis to ensure it continues to complement our vision and mission.

Mike Nicholson
Managing Director
12th June 2023